In 1998 Ken Hall having been involved in the housing trust in South Africa which was involved in the development of housing for the underprivileged, he was exposed to the poverty and hardships of the people and worst of all the outbreaks of shack fires caused by the low cost stoves that were used, which were unsafe and would destroy hundreds of homes and lives through fires. From this was born the idea to develop a cooker which was first and foremost safe, economical and long lasting. A unit was developed which won numerous awards world wide. Using the experience gained from the development of this product and combining the positive factors and improving on the unit itself the Safire Roaster was born. 

The Safire Roaster is designed for the first world market where saving the environment and compact living has become a way of life, and people who enjoy the out doors and are always on the move. Some of the innovative features introduced to improve the unit were to improve the oxygen flow and there by reducing the output of carbon monoxide, helping to protect the environment. Dome clips have been added to the dome to allow the unit to be locked.

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